It can be inflicted by all Poison-causing monsters, and Gore Magala.Venom is an enhanced version of Poison that can be inflicted in G-Rank and Ultimate Rank.You also appear invisible to teamates, including your weapon and nametag.When Nightmare is inflicted, the hunter can't heal, grant buffs with a Hunting Horn or lifepowder and gradually drains health at a slow rate.Berukyurosu and Doragyurosu: Garansharok and BekransharokĪ new element has also been introduced Nightmare:.Kamu and Nono Orugaron: Kamorugon and Nonuragon.Many Frontier and MH4 monsters have been renamed:.The WARNING feature from Monster Hunter Portable 3rd also returns.A new Quest Rank, Ultimate (U1, U2, U3).Low Rank Rooms have 3 slots, High Rank has 5 slots, G- Rank has 10 slots and Ultimate Rank has 30.This can then be hang on one of the available slots in the room. Head hanging in rooms A monster has a slight chance of having a head in the Quest Rewards.2 new Fanged Wyverns, War-Torn Zinogre and Spike-laden Zinogre.Aqua Deviljho also has a Savage subspecies.4 new Brute Wyverns, Red Brachydios, Spectral Brachydios, Nitrous Uragaan and Aqua Deviljho.4 new Elder Dragons, Nockturnus, Sacred Alatreon, Octarine Nockturnus, and Telethion.13 new Flying Wyverns, Tiger Lanterak, Cave Lanterak, Belirious, Mokarada, Bilados, Cobalt Bilados, Pathogenic Bilados, Tyrant Lanterak, Red Yian Garuga, Nightshade Barioth, Amplion, Saintly Rathalos, and Vengeful Warlaros.